January’s Attic
New year reflections tend to last at least throughout January, if not longer around here. The sun is still only out 9 hours a day, and often it’s cold, raining. Maybe even a snow storm that ices over and shuts the city down for days, like we’re experiencing now.
It makes for a period of time that is quiet, almost insulated feeling - it reminds me of walking up to my well insulate attic - sort of squeezed for space, windowless, and little noise heard outside the walls.
It can be depressing, but it’s more so just quiet, slow, different from the rest of the year. And if I listen intently, I can hear myself think more clearly, thinking more thoroughly through things.
That’s all to say, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect. 2023 was transformative. While it never feels enough, I made more artwork than many years prior, applied for a lot of opportunities, and committed to an art future. Most importantly though, I spent the year stepping back into my own body, reminding myself who I’ve always been, and most salacious of all spent much of my free time “thinking artistically,” a brain space that felt hard to access for years.
But aside from all that thinking, I’ve also had a lot of time to make some things I haven’t had time for, and I now have made some of these white oak frames, of which can be added to a print sale.
Happy New Year’s Reflecting,